Publications in 2013

D. Makarov, C. Ortix, and L. Baraban
Guest editorial - functional magnetic nanomembranes
SPIN 3, 1302001 (2013). URL

K. J. Manke, A. A. Maznev, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, V. V. Temnov, D. Makarov, S.-H. Baek, C.-B. Eom, and K. A. Nelson
Measurement of shorter-than-skin-depth acoustic pulses in a metal film via transient reflectivity
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 173104 (2013). URL

R. Streubel, D. Makarov, J. Lee, C. Müller, M. Melzer, R. Schäfer, C. C. B. Bufon, S.-K. Kim, and O. G. Schmidt
Rolled-up permalloy nanomembranes with multiple windings
SPIN 3, 1340001 (2013). URL 

M. Melzer, A. Kopylov, D. Makarov, and O. G. Schmidt
Stretchability and self-healing of wrinkled GMR multilayers on elastomeric membranes
SPIN 3, 1340005 (2013). URL 

K. J. Manke, A. A. Maznev, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, V. V. Temnov, D. Makarov, S.-H. Baek, C.-B. Eom, and K. A. Nelson
Measurement of shorter-than-skin-depth acoustic pulses in a metal film via transient reflectivity
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 173104 (2013). URL 

G. Lin, L. Baraban, L. Han, D. Karnaushenko, D. Makarov, G. Cuniberti, and O. G. Schmidt
Magnetoresistive emulsion analyzer
Nature Scientific Reports 3, 2548 (2013). URL PDF

M. H. Rümmeli, M. Zhen, S. Melkhanova, S. Gorantla, A. Bachmatiuk, L. Fu, C. Yan, S. Oswald, R. Mendes, D. Makarov, O. G. Schmidt, and J. Eckert
Insights into the early growth of homogeneous single-layer graphene over Ni-Mo binary substrates
Chemistry of Materials 25, 3880 (2013). URL 

Y. Demidenko, D. Makarov, O. G. Schmidt, and V. Lozovski
The magneto-optical Kerr effect in corrugated magnetoplasmonic heterostructures
JOSA B 30, 2053 (2013). URL 

D. Makarov, D. Karnaushenko, and O. G. Schmidt
Printable magnetoelectronics
ChemPhysChem 14, 1771 (2013). URL PDF

V. M. Fomin, E. J. Smith, D. D. Karnaushenko, D. Makarov, and O. G. Schmidt
Asymmetric drag in oscillatory motion: ratchet effect without an asymmetric potential
Physical Review E 87, 052122 (2013). URL 

V. Neu, C. Schulze, M. Faustini, J. Lee, D. Makarov, D. Suess, S.-K. Kim, D. Grosso, L. Schultz, and M. Albrecht
Probing the energy barriers and magnetization reversal processes of nanoperforated membrane based percolated media
Nanotechnology 24, 145702 (2013). URL

F. Nickel, D. Gottlob, H. Doganay, A. Kaiser, S. Cramm, G. Lin, D. Makarov, I. P. Krug, O. G. Schmidt, and C. M. Schneider
Time-resolved magnetic imaging in an aberration-corrected, energy-filtered photoemission electron microscope
Ultramicroscopy 130, 54 (2013). URL

V. V. Temnov, C. Klieber, K. A. Nelson, T. Thomay, V. Knittel, A. Leitenstorfer, D. Makarov, M. Albrecht, and R. Bratschitsch
Femtosecond nonlinear ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons
Nature Communications 4, 1468 (2013). URL PDF

H. Wojcik, C. Krien, U. Merkel, J. W. Bartha, M. Knaut, M. Geidel, B. Adolphi, V. Neumann, C. Wenzel, M. Bendlin, K. Richter, and D. Makarov
Characterization of Ru–Mn composites for ULSI interconnects
Microelectronic Engineering 112, 103 (2013). URL

L. Baraban, D. Makarov, O. G. Schmidt, G. Cuniberti, P. Leiderer, and A. Erbe
Control over Janus micromotors by the strength of a magnetic field
Nanoscale 5, 1332 (2013). URL

L. Baraban, R. Streubel, D. Makarov, L. Han, D. D. Karnaushenko, O. G. Schmidt, and G. Cuniberti
Fuel-free locomotion of Janus motors: Magnetically induced thermophoresis
ACS Nano 7, 1360 (2013). URL