Dr. Proloy Taran Das

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7855-1222

Researcher ID: AAN-9244-2020

Google Scholar: Proloy Taran Das

Phone: +49 (0)351 260 3434

Email: p.das(at)hzdr.de


Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. (HZDR)                          
Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research
Bautzner Landstraße 400
01328 Dresden, Germany

Short biography

Proloy T. Das completed his Masters in Physics (spl. Solid State Physics) from Burdwan University, India, in 2009. During his PhD at IIT Kharagpur, India, he studied cooperative phenomena and nanoscale effects in few correlated oxide systems. After completing his PhD at IIT Kharagpur in 2016, he joined Bar-Ilan University, Israel as a PBC postdoctoral fellow for 3.5 years and started working on the development of magnetic sensors. In 2021, he moved to DGIST in South Korea, where he continued his second postdoctoral research on magnetic sensors until September 2022. Later he moved to Austria and started to work at TU Wien as a project assistant on noise analysis in PiezoMEMS, which he continued until September 2023. In October 2023, he joined Dr. Makarov's group as an MSCA postdoctoral fellow. During his research career, he has participated in several international research projects as a participant and PI. He also has more than 3 years of professional experience as a lab manager in an Indian government unit in the field of mineralogy.


Research interests

  • Magnetic Sensors, Spintronics
  • Noise Analysis and modelling
  • Sensor development and signal processing
  • Biomagnetic application
  • Magnetic oxide/heterostructures

Projects involved

1. Flexible Sensors for portable Magnetomyography: Envisaging innovation and unveiling opportunities (FlexiMMG:101106524).
    Horizon-MSCA-2022-PF-01 (European Commission)

Selected publications

7. J. Schmidtpeter, Proloy P. Das, Y. Zabila, C. Schubert, T. Kosub, T. Gundrum, T.Wondrak and D. Makarov
Exchange-Biased multi-ring Planar Hall Magnetoresistive Sensors with nT resolution in Non-Shielded Environments
IEEE Magn. Lett. 15, (2024). URL

6. Proloy T. Das, H. Nhalil, V. Mor, M. Schultz, N. Hasidim, A. Grosz, L. Klein
Biaxial planar Hall Effect sensors with sub-nT resolution
IEEE Trans. Magn. 60(9), (2024). URL

5. B. Lim, M. Mahfoud, Proloy T. Das, T. Jeon, C. Jeon, M. Kim, T.-K. Nguyen, Q.-H. Tran, F. Terki, C. G. Kim
Advances and key technologies in magnetoresistive sensors with high spatial resolution and low field detectivity
APL Mater. 10, (2022). URL

4. T. Jeon, Proloy T. Das, M. Kim, C. Jeon, B. Lim, I. Soldatov, C. G. Kim
Operational parameters for sub Nano-Tesla field resolution of PHMR sensors in Harsh environments
Sensors 21(20), (2021).URL

3. Proloy T. Das, H. Nhalil, M. Schultz, S. Amrusi, A. Grosz and L. Klein
Detection of low¬frequency magnetic fields down to sub-pT resolution with planar-Hall effect sensors
IEEE Sens. Lett. 5(1),(2021).URL

2. H. Nhalil, Proloy T. Das, M. Schultz, S. Amrusi, A. Grosz, and L. Klein
Thickness dependence of elliptical planar Hall effect magnetometers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117(26), (2020). URL

1. H. Nhalil, T. Givon, Proloy T. Das, N. Hasidim, V. Mor, M. Schultz, S. Amrusi, L. Klein, and A. Grosz
Planar Hall Effect Magnetometer With 5 pT Resolution
IEEE Sens. Lett. 3(12), (2019). URL

Awards and scholarships

- Awarded Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF) 2022 and ranked in top 9 % (Global)- Funded by European Commission 2021-2022

- Appointed as Visiting Research Professor at DGIST (South Korea)

- Received appreciation letter and individual monetary award for excellent display and manning the pavilion of Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India in the “India-Steel 2017” exhibition
- Awarded PBC Fellowship for Outstanding Post-Doctoral Researchers from China & India (Israel), Funded by Israel Higher Education Department

- Awarded ISJRP joint research grant for 11 months (DST-SNSF, India-Switzerland)
- Qualified Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) in Physics and ranked in top 7% (India) Organized by Science and Engineering Research Board (Govt. of India)

- Awarded CSIR Research Fellowship in Physical Science for 5 years and ranked in top 2 %, Funded by CSIR (Govt. of India)
- Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) in Physics and ranked in top 13% (India) Organized by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India

- Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) Lectureship in Physical Science (India), Conducted by CSIR, Govt. of India